Heritage & Culture


Photo Credit: CCCTA/Tyler Cave


Step into Lillooet’s Past & Vibrant Culture

People have called Lillooet home for generations, drawn to the area’s impressive outdoor scenery, mild climate, and rich agricultural abundance. The land has inspired a vibrant arts scene and cultural side with many thriving artisans.

Learn about Lillooet’s past with a visit to the museum and the many heritage sites. Discover the Indigenous way of life through guided tours and festivals. Connect with artists and artisans at galleries, shops, and the Lillooet Farmers’ Market.


Photo Credits: Lillooet Museum & Visitor Centre, CCCTA/Tyler Cave,
CCCTA/Tyler Cave, BC Farmers’ Market Trail / April Roberts

Lillooet Museum


Glimpse into Lillooet’s past in the Lillooet Museum, itself housed housed in the former Anglican Church, St Mary’s the Virgin. The church was first built in 1860, from timber carried piece by piece on the backs of miners and mules over the rugged Harrison-Lillooet trail, then reconstructed in 1961 with the original chancel.

Browse through the collection of artifacts, including the original church service bell and melodeon, gold mining relics, Indigenous artifacts, machinery, memories of Lillooet’s pioneer days, the largest mounted Rocky Mountain Elk head ever registered in BC, and more. Take a peek downstairs to discover the old newspaper office of fiery and famed editor Margaret “Ma” Murray.


Lillooet's Indigenous Experiences


The St'át'imc are the original inhabitants of the territory. The St'át'imc way of life is inseparably connected to the land, mountains, rivers, and lakes. The lessons of living on the land are shared with children by elders, such as the best times and locations to hunt, fish, and harvest ingredients for food and medicines.

Rich in history, traditional activities continue among the St’at’imc today. Learn more through the St'át'imc culture and history through cultural experiences and tours.

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Historic Sites Around Lillooet


In 1860 Lillooet was one of the largest cities west of Chicago, second only to San Francisco. This history is entrenched in the BC Gold Rush of 1860, when Lillooet was Mile "0" on the Cariboo Pavillion Road, the first wagon road to be surveyed in BC and the route to the Cariboo gold fields.

Lillooet's Golden Miles of History.png

Lillooet’s Golden Miles of History Map

Today you can discover pieces of Lillooet's history through panels and plaques on the Golden Mile of History self guided tour. Step into Lillooet’s fascinating past with the virtual map or pick up a copy at the Lillooet Museum & Visitor Centre.



Featured Heritage Sites


Lillooet is full of history. These are just a few of the many heritage sites in the area, where you can learn about the people and events that shaped Lillooet and the Interior British Columbia as we know it today.


Stories of Our Past


Arts in Lillooet


Visualize Lillooet’s culture.

Lillooet’s breathtaking surroundings and vibrant culture are reflected within the artworks of many thriving local artisans.